City Unity College

Project Location:
15-17, Thiseos Str., Athens
Construction Period:
June - September 2021
Valianatou Maria
City Unity College

The three basic functions of the ground floor (reception, waiting, information «stations») were centrally structured in a single curved layout system. The curve geometry was chosen for two reasons: to avoid a conventional layout of uses parallel to the faces, but mainly to point out (through the continuous flow that the curve gives to the space) that CityU monitors and follows developments. The selection of oak laths moved in this direction, investing selected vertical surfaces, but also the special construction of curved lacquered furniture. The curved offices and the furniture of the reception are framed from above with custom lighting that faithfully follows the geometry. This central system «locks» with the union of the furniture at floor level, through a dashed line of vinyl sticker. The auxiliary spaces are discreetly isolated in the narrow part of the space – on the same side the staircase leading to the attic offices is integrated. Perimeter of the staircase, plasterboard construction gives the illusion of «boxing», while its grayish color disconnects the function of the loft from that of the ground floor and thus determines the limit of space for the customer.