213-215, Syggrou Avenue, Ν. Smirni

June - November 2012 (A' Phase)

Various (Groupama Siggrou facade: Α. N. Tombazis and Associates Architects)

Groupama SA
The renovation of Groupama Insurance Company’s headquarters on Syggrou Avenue was completed in November of 2012. The construction works referred to the architectural improvement of space and the upgrade of MEP installations. The project was separated in two phases, without interrupting the Groupama’s operation. The construction works were taking place during the working hours, by separating parts of levels and moving the working positions accordingly. The designing procedure and the project management have been done by the FOCAL Project Managers Company The building’s office premises extend in 12 levels occupying a total surface of 6.000 sq.m. In 2017, Core Construction undertook a series of works to upgrade the facades and the surrounding area of Groupama Phoenix’s existing building on Syngrou Avenue, through repairing and re-coloring the facades, providing projection and lighting elements in them as well as the reforming of the materials, elements and lighting of the surrounding space.